Workshop waitlist: Elevating Product Experience with Tone

Establishing a brand voice is only the first step—to become a wizard of voice and tone, you need to develop the ability to modulate your tone of voice. Attend this workshop and learn how to:

  • Create deep, nuanced shades of tone that accommodate a product’s end-to-end experiences
  • Explore the gradation between and beyond the hallmark tone definitions of polite, helpful, friendly, supportive, etc.
  • Assess the sonic qualities within units of language
  • Study poetic prose to find hidden meanings, implications, and associations within product content
  • Effectively communicate ideas and rationale about tone of voice
  • Incorporate tone considerations into conversational experiences like chatbots and voice interactions

Duration: 3 hours (online)
Level: Intermediate to advanced
Made for: Content designers, product marketers, and product managers

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